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Best Herbs To Add Taste To Your Meals Instead Of Salt

by | Sep 13, 2020 | Health, News

Adding salt to your meals can improve its flavor, but it can also cause you to develop health problems. Salt causes health problems such as high blood pressure, heart failure, and kidney problems. There are other ways to improve your meal’s flavor without risking your health. Herbs can improve your meal’s flavor without negatively impacting your health. They are also full of nutrients that can help keep you healthy.

Here is a list of herbs that can replace salt in your recipes.


Thyme is an herb from the Mediterranean that is well-known for its medicinal, dietary, and ornamental purposes. Its flowers, oils, and leaves have been used to treat many diseases.

What it tastes like

Thyme has a strong earthy flavor with a slight hint of mint. The herb has a subtle aroma that blends well with most recipes. It is usually used to add flavor to soups and vegetables.



Thyme contains plenty of health benefits that can assist your body against diseases and weight loss.

  • Vitamins A and C strengthen your immune system.
  • Copper and Iron helps the body create more red blood cells to maintain your bones, nerves, blood vessels, and immune function.
  • Fiber helps you feel full longer to prevent you from overeating and help you lose weight.
  • Manganese helps strengthen your bones. Its antioxidant properties can also help you repel diseases.



Thyme is usually used to add flavor to chicken but it can be used on most meats as an ingredient for a marinade or sauce. It also adds flavor to roasted vegetables. Thyme pairs well with Oregano, Paprika, and Cinnamon.

Thyme Oil can also be used as a disinfectant for mild mold infestations.


Basil is an herb from the mint family that adds flavor to your meals. Its nutrients provide you with many health benefits. This herb is a popular ingredient among Italian and Mediterranean dishes.

What it tastes like

The herb’s flavor changes depending on its variation. It can taste peppery with a hint of sweetness or citrus.



  • Calcium helps maintain your bone’s strength.
  • Vitamin K helps your blood clot faster to hasten the healing process.
  • Eugenol and Limonene are both antioxidants found in different variations of Basil.
  • Antioxidants can help your body ward off diseases. They also help you recover faster from infections.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties of Basil can offer you relief from sore joints.



Sprinkle chopped Basil on your Pizza, vegetables, salads, and soups to add flavor. Youcan also use it as a marinade with Olive oil and chopped Garlic.

It’s also used as an essential oil because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Sore joints caused by arthritis may find relief with Basil essential oil.


Cayenne pepper is a type of Chili pepper from the nightshade family. They are closely related to Jalapenos and Bell peppers. It is popularly used for cooking because of its wonderful flavor and beneficial nutrients.

It has also been used for thousands of years as a medicine to treat many health problems. Coughs, colds, and skin infections can be relieved with Cayenne pepper’s medicinal properties.

What it tastes like

Cayenne Pepper is hot and spicy with a pungent smell. It adds heat to your dish that can feel like a strong bite. Please keep in mind that Cayenne Pepper’s flavor intensifies as you cook it.



  • Vitamin A keeps your skin, eyesight, and immune system healthy.
  • Vitamin C strengthens your immune system to fight off infections.
  • Vitamin E helps fight off infections and protects your eyesight.
  • Capsaicin raises your body temperature to boost your metabolism. It also relieves pain when applied topically though it does cause a burning sensation at first.



You can sprinkle Cayenne pepper on fish, eggs, casseroles, pasta, and tacos to enhance their flavor.

Eating Cayenne Pepper can also help decongest your nose by drying up your mucus.

Cayenne pepper can also be used to increase your food’s longevity by preventing bacteria from contaminating your food.


This herb is part of the mint family and has been used for thousands of years to treat health problems and add flavor to dishes. It is mostly seen in Mediterranean diets but is also used by Greeks and Romans.

What it tastes like

Oregano’s flavor is slightly bitter and pungent with a strong aroma.


  • Carvacrol and Thymol are antioxidants that can protect your cells from damage and may even help prevent cancer.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe sore throat and joints.
  • Antibacterial compounds in Oregano can stop the growth of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Antiviral properties of Oregano can also stop some viruses dead on their tracks.
  • Fiber can help you feel full longer to prevent overeating and ease digestion.
  • Vitamin K can help your blood clot faster for faster wound healing.
  • Vitamin E keeps your immune system healthy and protects your eyesight.
  • Calcium keeps your bones strong.



Oregano is used in many dishes such as vegetables, baked goods, fish, pizza, meat dishes, chicken, and many more. It is often chopped and sprinkled on top of the dish to add flavor.

Oregano leaves can also be boiled to create an effective tea that soothes sore throats.

Oregano’s antifungal properties can be used to deal with athlete’s foot when it is steeped with vinegar.


In the end, salt can improve your meal’s flavor but can also cause you many health problems. Substituting salt for herbs can improve your meal’s flavor while keeping your body healthy. Herbs like Thyme, Basil, Cayenne, and Oregano can improve your meal’s flavor without any detrimental effects on your health.

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