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Christmas Activities For The Family

by | Dec 9, 2021 | Health, Uncategorized

Trying Christmas activities for the family can help you bond and connect with your family during the holidays. Christmas time is family time, and what better way to bond with family than doing fun things together.


Take a Family Christmas Card Photo

You probably spent a lot on yourself to look good during the holidays. Get a family Christmas Card photo taken to send out. You can get it done yourself or hire a professional photographer to make it look extra special. This activity will allow you to have a fun activity and bond with your family as you go to different places and try different poses.


Create Your Own Christmas Village

Christmas villages are a staple to every house’s Christmas decorations. The wonderful thing about these decorations is they are so customizable. You can mix and match several different ceramic houses to create your own village. Buying ceramic Christmas houses online might cost too much but the wonderful thing about the holidays is that there are great deals all around.

You might find cheaper ceramic houses from your local stores to put your village together. Your children can chip in too by lending you some of their toys for the village.


Practice Charity

One of the most important virtues we should practice for Christmas is charity. Charity is sharing our blessings with others that have less. We can practice charity in several ways.


Here are some ways to practice charity and some tips to help:

Gift Shopping

The many difficulties others face every day may have burned a hole through their pockets. You can make someone feel better by getting them a small gift. The good news is that the holidays have an abundance of great deals. This means you can get a lot of quality items for a cheap price.

Tip: Shop on a weekday during office hours to avoid the competition. You can shop during your lunch hour or switch your day off.


Donating Food to Shelters

Many shelters are regularly having difficulties feeding the people living in them. You can ease their burden by donating some canned goods. The holidays have so many deals where you can get many canned goods for the price of one.

Tip: There are a nearly infinite number of great deals through coupon apps or paper coupons from newspapers and magazines.


Handing out Food to Your Friends and Neighbors

The holidays are a time to fill up on unhealthy foods. Try researching healthy recipes online to help ease the burden on your loved one’s body. Some biscuits and cookies can be made healthy with a few choice ingredients. Hand these healthy treats around to watch out for your loved one’s health.

Tip: Some stores give discounts when you buy in bulk. Research those stores to get your ingredients for a cheap price.


Create Your Own Snow Globe

Snow Globes are beautiful decorations for Christmas, but they cost an arm and a leg when bought from stores. Thankfully, you can make them at home en masse for a cheap price.

Here are the items you need to make your snowglobe:

  1. Ornament of your choice
  2. Glitter
  3. Clear glue
  4. Warm water
  5. Mason jar
  6. Spoon
  7. Glue gun

Step 1
Decide whether or not you want water in your snow globe or not?

Step 2
For water snow globes, you want to glue your ornament on the lid of the mason jar.

Step 3
You want to add 2 ounces of clear glue to your jar.

Step 4
Put one cup of warm water in your jar and stir with the spoon.

Step 5
Pour the 2 tablespoons of glitter and stir.

Step 6
Place the lid with the Christmas ornament and seal it to get your snowglobe. Add glue to keep it extra secure and to make sure water does not leak out.


Waterless Snow Globe

You can make a snow globe without water by gluing the ornament to the jar’s bottom and not the lid. Fill the bottom with cotton balls, and you can attach cotton balls into strings and glue it to the jar’s lid to make the illusion of falling snow.


Add to Your Christmas Decoration Collection

This activity does not mean you need to haphazardly buy lots of Christmas decorations right now. You only need to buy 1 or 2 decorations every year to build up your Christmas decorations collection. Building up your collection can make your home look fresh every single year.

You can start by purchasing one or two of the items on the list:

  1. Snow Globe
  2. Ceramic house
  3. Snowman figure
  4. Wooden nutcracker
  5. Mini wooden Christmas trees

A new decoration a year can help you keep your creativity fresh by giving you new ideas to decorate your home.
In the end, doing Christmas activities together can provide your family with fun ways to bond during the holidays.

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