How Acupuncture Can Ease Pelvic Pain in Pregnant Women
According to the Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine in Kunming, up to 90% of women experience debilitating low back or pelvic pain (LBBP) during their pregnancy. To relieve the commonly felt pain, acupuncture can be used and it has been proven to be effective in helping mothers. A study by BMJ Open in 2022 said, “Acupuncture significantly improved pain, functional status, and quality of life in women with [lower back or pelvic pain] during the pregnancy.” At Miami Acupuncture and Classical Herbs, Dr. Carolyn Cook, a Miami Acupuncturist, MSOM, AP, Dipl Canonical Chinese Medicine, LMT, has helped many pregnant women to feel at ease as they welcome their newborns.
What is LBPP?
Low back and/or pelvic pain is defined as the pain we feel in the distal and posterior pelvic regions lateral to the lumbar-sacral junction and between the 12th rib and the gluteal fold. Distinguishing these two types of pain can be difficult. This is caused by the increased level of relaxin during pregnancy that enhances motion in the pelvic joints. While massage therapy, special pillows, and physical therapy can be used to relieve LBBP, acupuncture is a well-accepted alternative remedy. It is completely safe for both the mother-to-be and the baby.
How Acupuncture Can Help Pregnant Women
Published in the open access journal of BMJ Open, they revealed that among the 1,040 healthy women that participated in the study, physical function improved, quality of life increased, and LBBP pain was alleviated. Additionally, the pregnant women claimed that they were willing to repeat the procedure. Non-pharmacological therapies such as acupuncture and exercise can reduce the discomfort and even help with depression in pregnant women with LBPP. Dr. Cook believes that every soon-to-be-mother should receive the highest care possible.
One of her clients in Miami shared that her beautiful baby girl named Harlee was delivered thanks to Dr. Cook’s help. She said, “After months of trying to conceive and battling various issues including PCOS, I came to Carolyn hoping acupuncture would help. After just two months, I found myself pregnant. Throughout the pregnancy, Carolyn did prenatal massage and helped keep everything flowing. Now I have this beautiful baby girl.” This is additional proof of how Traditional Chinese Medicine can help aspiring mothers and pregnant women.
You can read more about the client’s story in the Testimonials section.
Visit Our Office At Miami Acupuncture And Classical Herbs
We’re happy to serve the greater Miami community, including Pinecrest, Kendall, South Miami, Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Homestead, Hialeah, Doral, and beyond. Our full suite of Traditional Chinese Medicine services has assisted countless individuals’ healing and improved health. While we allow in-person visits, you can acquire our telemedicine service for your convenience and call us at (305) 665-9711.
You can expect a thorough and personalized consultation by Dr. Carolyn Cook, checking your pulse points and overall conditions. Then she will develop a treatment plan designed specifically for you and implement this with various TCM techniques. Our office acts as your second home where you can rest, rejuvenate, and be a better version of yourself. Together, let’s build a healthier and happier community. Whether you are a mother-to-be, an adult, a teen, or a kid, regardless of your age and gender, you can experience the pain-relieving properties of acupuncture.