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How to Avoid Hypothyroidism

by | Jan 16, 2023 | Acupuncture, Health

Hypothyroidism is a condition that affects your metabolism, causing you to gain weight easily and becoming lethargic. You may also have symptoms such as dry skin, brittle nails and hair, slow heartbeat, and high cholesterol levels. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to avoid hypothyroidism from happening in the first place — and once it does occur, there are steps you can take to treat it and get back on track with life again.

1. Get tested for iodine deficiency.
If you’re not a vegetarian, or if you eat seafood everyday, it’s highly likely that your thyroid is functioning optimally. But if you’re eating soy instead of meat in large quantities especially for breakfast, then it’s possible for iodine deficiency to cause hypothyroidism.

Iodine deficiency can occur when people don’t get enough dietary iodine from the foods they eat. This can happen because some people live in areas where there’s less salt in their diet than others — or because they don’t include enough seafood in their meals or use iodized salt on the food they cook.

2. Don’t eat too much soy.
First and foremost, it’s important to avoid eating too much soy. While soy contains some thyroid-friendly nutrients, it can interfere with the body’s ability to produce its own hormones. This disruption can cause an increase in your risk of hypothyroidism and other health problems such as infertility, goiter and hair loss.

Soybeans contain phytoestrogens that act like human estrogen in your body — and this is why they have been linked with reproductive issues like infertility or male breast growth in men. In addition to their hormonal effects on the body, these substances also have a potential negative impact on thyroid function by interfering with iodine uptake by cells throughout the body.

3. Understand the risks of radiation exposure.
Exposure to radioactive iodine can cause hypothyroidism, which means you’ll need to take medication for the rest of your life. The risk of developing hypothyroidism from exposure to radioactive iodine increases with the amount that you’re exposed to and remains high even after treatment with medications like levothyroxine. So, be extra careful with what you eat.

The risk is higher for people who have had a medical procedure involving radioactive iodine or who live near nuclear power plants or areas with higher levels of natural radioactivity than average.

New technologies have affected the human body negatively, and this is where natural medication enters. Dr. Cook specializes in herbal medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years in the East. If you wanna know more, you can call her at (305) 665-9711.

4. Be aware of your family history.
You may be surprised to learn that your family history plays a role in the development of hypothyroidism. Your genes are one factor, but they aren’t the only factor. Other factors include age, gender and race. It’s just that, if someone in your family or extended family has thyroid problems, it’s probable that you’re at risk for thyroid problems too.

Being generally aware of your family history will help you be wary of what health conditions you might get in the future. Many health conditions are hereditary, and if you know someone in your family with hypothyroidism, you can ask them how they’re coping with it, so that you yourself will know how to react in the scenario that you contract hypothyroidism.

5. Watch your weight and diet.
Watch your weight. While this may seem obvious, it’s easy to get caught up in the wrong kind of exercise or overeat when you’re trying to lose weight. Make sure you’re getting regular physical activity like daily walks and eating healthy foods that are low in fat, sugar and sodium — especially if you have hypothyroidism. A holistic approach is always better than a synthetic-based one.

Also, don’t try too hard to slim down quickly. If you’re underweight from eating irregularities or other factors such as cancer treatment, don’t rush into drastic changes like drastically reducing carbs or taking diet pills before asking about your thyroid levels first. And don’t obsess over numbers on a scale. Focus instead on becoming more active overall so that losing pounds becomes easier over time without feeling guilty about it being slow-going at first. Being aware of what you eat and your health will give you an overall boost as a person.

6. Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise is a great way to improve your thyroid function. One reason to exercise is that it helps with weight loss. People who exercise regularly lose more weight than those who don’t exercise at all. Aside from this, exercise also reduces stress and anxiety levels, so it’s a good choice if you’re feeling stressed out or anxious about something in your life.

Exercising has been proven to have many benefits. Your sleep quality improves with regular exercise because it releases endorphins into the brain, the same neurotransmitters created during sex. An increase in these chemicals can help reduce depression symptoms as well as improve energy levels – both important things when dealing with hypothyroidism issues.


If you’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the best way to avoid getting it again is to take steps to prevent it. This list above will help you make sure your thyroid doesn’t get damaged by radiation exposure or other factors that can cause thyroid issues. If this sounds like something that might interest you, feel free to reach out or visit our website for more information.

Dr. Cook has helped someone with hypothyroidism before through natural herbal remedies. If you wanna undergo a medication process that isn’t too invasive or foreign to your body, try giving her a visit at 9655 S Dixie Highway, Miami or give her a call at (305) 665-9711

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