Skin issues can be difficult to treat. Sometimes we have to work longer and be more patient. I have treated many skin problems with success, but depends on the nature of the problem and how long it has been going on. Many times it can be associated with what we eat and how we process our foods. Other times it is more emotional mental as anxiety can be a factor. we here at Classical herbs and Acupuncture look at the body as a whole and do what is necessary to make the best improvement in our health.
Your skin is the largest organ in the body, which makes it all the more important to take care of it. Prevention is better than cure, contact us to know more about how to avoid skin problems. (305) 665-9711
My mother has been a patient of Carolyn’s for years and when she was asking about the baby and I, my mom was telling her about all of his issues. She asked several questions about my pregnancy and my delivery and said she could help. My mother called me the minute she left the office and I called Carolyn the same day.
She evaluated my son and I, and started us on a round of herbs. He’s breastfed so it would take some time but he would receive the herbs through my milk. I started the herbs that day and hoped for the best. It didn’t happen right away but there was a ton of improvement within the first couple of weeks, maybe even week. We continued with the herbs for a few months and I’m happy to say that my sons skin is completely healed. No more cradle cap, no more skin irritations, no more scratching…nothing. I did tell my pediatrician at our 6 month appointment what I was doing and he told me “most of the world practices that type of medicine, so I’m not going to tell you not to.”
I’m glad I took the chance. I’m glad I trusted Carolyn and my gut. I’m most glad that I didn’t solve the issue with chemicals that had terrible side effects. I would recommend Carolyn to anyone and everyone.