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What is Psoriasis?

by | Aug 1, 2022 | Acupuncture, Health

Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes your skin cells to multiply beyond the normal rate. The condition manifests as itchy and sometimes painful red patches with white scales. Patches of red skin may appear anywhere on the body. The condition is not contagious but may have a hereditary factor because members of the same family may develop Psoriasis.


Psoriasis usually manifests in a person’s early adulthood. Most people only have psoriasis manifest in a few areas of their body, but some cases may affect a large part of the person’s body. Psoriasis can come back and disappear many times throughout a person’s life.




  1. A patchy rash with scaling that covers major parts of your body.
  2. Rashes with different colors
  3. Small scaling patches of skin
  4. Dry skin with cracks that may bleed
  5. Burning, itching, or sore skin
  6. Cyclic rashes that flare up and go away every now and then



When to see a doctor

Seek medical attention should the following occur:

  1. The rashes become widespread and severe
  2. You experience discomfort and pain
  3. No improvement even with treatment




No one has identified the exact cause of psoriasis, but the common belief is that it’s caused by a combination of factors. The immune system is compromised, and this causes inflammation which triggers the skin cells to form rapidly. The skin cells are usually replaced every 10 to 30 days, but Psoriasis causes the skin cells to be replaced every 3 to 4 days. Building up old cells as it’s replaced creates the silver scales.




  1. Scrapes, surgery, or cuts
  2. Emotional stress
  3. Strep infections
  4. Medications such as lithium, antibiotics, blood pressure medications, etc.




Your doctor will ask you questions about your health history and examine your skin, nails, and scalp. A small skin sample may be taken from you for a biopsy which examines your skin under a microscope to determine whether you have Psoriasis.




The treatment for psoriasis aims to stop your skin cells from growing too rapidly and remove the scaling. Your treatment options may include topical therapy, medications, and light therapy.

Your treatment will depend on your condition’s severity and your body’s response to previous treatments. Trying a combination of these treatments may also work but everyone responds to different treatments with varying degrees of success. You have to find the treatment that works for your specific case but psoriasis usually eventually returns.



Topical Therapy


This medication often comes in the form of ointments, gels, etc. They are used to treat mild to moderate versions of psoriasis but can only be used for a limited time. Their effectiveness wanes when you use it long-term while also making your skin thinner, making it a bad choice for long-term treatment.



Anthralin is a cream that slows your skin cell growth. The cream may also remove scales, but it may also irritate your skin. This medicine is usually applied to your skin for a short time and then washed off.



Light Therapy

This therapy is often the first treatment to be used for moderate to severe cases of psoriasis. Light therapy is often used in combination with medication to get a better result for the patient. The patient is exposed to natural and artificial light to calm the symptoms of Psoriasis.



Oral or injected medications

Please note not to use these drugs without your doctor’s supervision because they may cause severe side effects.



Steroids may be injected into the spots of your skin affected by Psoriasis to help calm its symptoms.



Retinoids are pills that may reduce your production of skin cells but may cause side effects like muscle soreness and dry skin.



Natural Treatments

Dr. Carolyn Cook offers natural treatments to deal with your psoriasis. A lot of the treatments for Psoriasis often come with unpleasant side effects. Dr. Cook offers special herbal formulas that are formulated for your physiology to ensure the best results. Her herbal formulas also do not cause adverse side effects like those found in modern treatments.

Book your consultation to get your natural psoriasis treatment!

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